The Lucro Vault

We exclusively specialize in bookkeeping and only for healthcare providers. Unlock your practice’s potential with Lucro!

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If you only watch one thing, watch this video.


● 24 min watch

In this insightful masterclass, Dr. Josiah Fitzsimmons shared his journey from humble beginnings to scaling his chiropractic clinic to over $5 million in annual revenue. He emphasized the critical role of mindset in achieving success and outlined three key mindsets essential for growth: marketing mindset, team mindset, and structural mindset.

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Highly valuable resources.

● 25 min watch

Gain the confidence and skills to take charge of your financial future in this dynamic, game-changing session.

● 84 min watch

Join this game-changing masterclass, where you'll uncover the marketing blueprint that has helped generate over 10,000 new patients annually across 8 offices in just 10 years!
Profitability isn’t just about making money today—it’s about creating a financially sustainable future for your healthcare practice. This guide breaks down the 6 essential steps to profit optimization, giving you actionable strategies to streamline operations, control costs, and maximize revenue.

● 53 min watch

In this insightful masterclass, Dr. Josiah and Adam Rundle explore actionable strategies for minimizing tax liability and maximizing total profitability.

● 62 min watch

In this masterclass, Dr. Josiah and Dr. Aaron Gum shared actionable strategies to help chiropractors expand their practices while maximizing profitability.